You’re PISSED.
You’re fuking pissed.*
You’re not where you want to be.
You put in the work:
Stay up late.
Wake at dawn.
But despite all the work — you feel like shit.
Feel like you’re not progressing, not improving, not getting better.
And it’s starting to take its toll on you.
Your self-worth is dropping.
You go to sleep angry.
You pity yourself.
Let me tell you the truth.
You can’t outsource your self worth like that.
You can’t outsource your self-worth to Fortune.
You cannot control Fortune.
Your external success markers:
Net worth
Rank or Prestige
These things are determined not by you, but by external circumstances.
The Virtuous individual, the Wise man, the person we aspire to be — they look inward for validation, not outward.
Let me tell you the truth about Fortune.
It comes and goes.
External success comes and goes — free to leave at its own whims.
The seasons change.
Tides come in and out.
Leaves fall from trees and grow again.
Fortune is like this.
It comes in.
It goes out.
That is inevitable.
So know this dear friend;
If you are in a “misfortunate” period right now, Fortune will come to you.
Your work will pay off.
It has to — that is the Nature of things.
However — for now, just focus on quality work.
Fortune cannot return if you get upset at it for leaving.
Fortune cannot return if you cry over your sorrows.
Fortune cannot return if you do not exhibit effort.
Keep persisting my friend, Fortune shall favor you soon.
But for now — focus on the next step.
Thank you.
Memento Mori.
Stay Curious :)